Let’s Clim’Act Day 2021
15 June 2021
In the first week of June 2021, all employees from Dragages Hong Kong and Bouygues Travaux Publics, as well as our clients and business partners participated in the “Let’s Clim’Act Day”, along with all other worksites in our Group around the world.
This global event echoed the World Environment Day, aiming to raise the awareness among the employees toward our group’s commitment to cut carbon emission by at least 30% by 2030. The event was run both physically and virtually on all of our worksites, and was kicked off by Wes JONES, our Managing Director. The senior management of each project also delivered the climate strategies and action plan to achieve the carbon-cutting target. Various videos were shared to demonstrate our determination and efforts towards the goal.
“In the face of climate change, we are all on the same boat: contractors, clients, investors and suppliers. It is really good to see you contributing together all around the world to find local solutions and have a positive global impact.” said Pierre-Eric SAINT-ANDRÉ, Chairman and CEO of Bouygues Bâtiment International and Chairman of Dragages Hong Kong in an opening video.
“As a contractor working in a city where the buildings account for 90% of electricity use, generating over 60% of its carbon emissions, we are ideally placed to make a real contribution to Hong Kong’s 2050 carbon neutral commitment.” said Wes Jones.
Greenhouse gas emissions make no distinction between local, national or regional boundaries, and the fight against climate change requires concerted action. Dragages Hong Kong has taken its responsibilities seriously and will continue to facilitate the transformation towards a low carbon construction industry.
Let’s Clim’Act.