Dragages builds Airport Authority Office Tower
15 July 2019
Dragages Hong Kong is pleased to announce the award of the contract of Airport Authority Office Tower Development for the Airport Authority Hong Kong. The development worth HKD793,888,000 will house the new office tower of Airport Authority Hong Kong and Aviation Security Company Limited (AVSECO).
The contract consists of the design and construction of a seven-storey office tower with approximately 23,000 m2 construction floor area. It will provide users with a highly collaborative, open and spacious work environment combined with smart office equipment and breakout areas which promote efficiency, communication and well-being.
The building will sit on the current taxi staging area between the Airport Express Line and Airport Car Park 4. The proximity of the busy airport and the railway tracks require excellent project management to prevent impact to the airport operation, train service, and the taxi-staging area, while adhering to stringent Airport Height Restriction.
New Engineering Contract (NEC) Rev 4 will be implemented to reinforce an open and collaborative working relationship with our client.
The project is scheduled for completion in 2022.