Page 97 - Dragages Hong Kong 60th Anniversary
P. 97
Building on its success with the MTR Corporation, Dragages was awarded
a second XRL contract to construct a 2.95km twin track tunnel and two single track tunnels,
each 660m long, coming to a total of 3.61km in tunnel length.
To cope with the technical challenges of crossing the Tolo Fault Zone located at the southern end of the alignment, Dragages proposed an alternative design to use a Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) in the construction of the two single track tunnels in lieu
of the traditional drill and blast method. This eliminated the need to construct a Mei Lai Road shaft and adit from the surface, mitigating the impact of both noise and dust on a nearby school and local residents.
Another major challenge faced by the project was working with a single access point for the excavation of more than 1,200,000 tonnes of rock, and the casting of some 150,000 cubic metres of permanent concrete. Meticulous planning and precise logistics were essential to ensure the success of this work phase.
繼獲頒首個廣深港高鐵項目,寶嘉再次 獲授予第二份高鐵工程合約,包括建造 一條2.95公里長的雙軌隧道、兩段各長 660米的單軌隧道,合共建造長3.61公里 的隧道段。
鑑於隧道南端為赤門斷裂帶,香港寶嘉工程小組建議 修訂原來的設計,起用隧道鑽挖機建造兩條單軌隧道, 代替傳統的鑽挖爆破方法。採用隧道鑽挖機的好處是毋須 再在美荔道路面建造豎井及引道,有效紓緩工程對毗鄰 學校和民居造成的噪音和塵埃。
寶嘉面對的另一大挑戰是以單一出入口搬運超過 1,200,000噸鑽挖出來的岩石和鋪設150,000立方米的 混凝土。工程人員須以精準規劃及仔細的後勤物流 安排,確保工程順利完成。
MTR Express Rail Link Contract No. 821 095