Page 89 - Dragages Hong Kong 60th Anniversary
P. 89
The Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link (XRL) connects to the national high-speed railway network of
some 16,000 kilometres linking China’s major cities. The network is expected to substantially enhance the country’s transport efficiency
and capacity.
The scope of this project (Contract No. 820) includes the construction of two parallel single track tunnels of 8.15m in diameter, each 3.5km long with connecting cross passages (14 nos.), a ventilation building, underpinning a flyover and the removal of various foundations and underground obstructions along the tunnel alignment.
Meticulous planning is top of the agenda as the tunnelling and associated obstructions removal works are being carried out in close proximity to both underground and surface facilities, including underground railway lines, buildings and highway structures, utilities and roads.
In parallel, work sites are located in established urban areas, which require special measures to mitigate possible disruption to the community. To meet with these technical challenges and to cope with the various geological conditions, two purpose-made slurry Tunnel Boring Machines (TBM) equipped with the most advanced technical and safety features are being employed for the tunnel construction. Together with
a demanding and robust obstructions removal regime, this project is certainly one of the most challenging projects on the entire XRL line.
Despite the project’s many challenges, Dragages managed to break through the down track tunnel (north side) one month ahead of schedule. This was the first completed tunnel section on the entire XRL Hong Kong Section.
廣深港高速鐵路接駁全長16,000公里 的中國高速鐵路網絡,連接內地多個 主要城市,廣深港高鐵落成後可 大大提高內地鐵路運輸網絡的效率 和載運量。
本項目(合約編號:820)包括建造兩段直徑8.15米, 並列行走,長3.5公里的單軌隧道,工程亦包括興 建 14段上下行隧道的連接通道、通風大樓、天橋 托底穩固工程,以及拆卸多組地基及地底障礙物。
由於隧道及相關障礙物拆卸工程與現有港鐵網絡、 建築物、高架建築、公用設施及道路等多項地底及 地面設施接壤,工程人員規劃時須額外小心。同時, 工地位處已發展的市區中心,施工時需採取多項 紓緩措施,以減輕對鄰近社區或會造成的影響。 為應付種種技術挑戰及不同地質環境,工程小組 起用經特別設計,配備先進技術及安全裝置的泥漿 盾式隧道鑽挖機,負責隧道鑽挖工程,加上繁複的 拆卸障礙物的工序,誠為整個高鐵項目其中一段 最具挑戰性的隧道工程。
儘管如此,寶嘉勇對挑戰,更比原定完工時間早 一個月貫通下行綫(北面)隧道,是整個高鐵香港段 最早完工的隧道段。