Page 65 - Dragages Hong Kong 60th Anniversary
P. 65
Designed to alleviate Hong Kong's seasonal flooding problems, the massive Hong Kong West Drainage Tunnel stretches deep underground across the western spine of Hong Kong Island. The tunnel collects excess surface runoff from the Mid-Levels area and above, and then discharges it directly into the sea, thus bypassing the highly urbanised areas downstream.
Offering an innovative solution to the seasonal flooding problems, the project has achieved a number of technical “firsts” in Hong Kong’s construction industry: adoption of the largest hard-rock Tunnel Boring Machines (TBMs) (7.2-m and 8.3-m diameters respectively); the first to employ TBM excavation and blasting concurrently; and the first to extensively adopt Raise Boring Machines. All these measures ensured that disruptions to the community were kept to the minimum, including the minimisation of road traffic, noise and dust.
The project was named “Tunnelling Project of the Year” (US$100 million to US$1 billion category) at the International Tunnelling Awards 2011, with judges remarking, “This is a model tunnelling project, delivered under difficult circumstances.”
港島西雨水排放隧道於上游集水區 截取雨水,繞過港島區的心臟地帶, 透過地底排水隧道,直接將雨水 排放出海,紓緩大雨對民生的影響。
港島西雨水排放隧道設計創新。項目在技術層面 寫下了多個本地業界第一,包括首次在港引用最 大型的純石層隧道鑽挖機(直徑分別為7.2米和 8.3米)、首次同步使用隧道鑽挖機和爆破進行挖掘 工程,和首次大規模使用反井鑽挖機。各項措施 均有效紓緩項目對鄰近地面交通的影響和減少噪音 及塵埃的滋擾。
項目於International Tunnelling Awards 2011獲授 Tunnelling Project of the Year (1億至10億美元 類別)。評判團表示:「這是隧道工程突破環境局限 的一大典範。」
1/2: The main tunnel broke through in January 2011
3: A commissioning ceremony was held in August 2012
4: International Tunnelling Awards 2011 – Tunnelling Project of the Year
(US$100 million to US$1 billion category)