Page 49 - Dragages Hong Kong 60th Anniversary
P. 49
The CLP Castle Peak Cable Tunnel brings essential additional power supplies from Castle Peak
and Black Point power stations to Tuen Mun, Tung Chung and Hong Kong International Airport. As CLP’s longest and largest tunnel, the project allows for the installation of eight high-voltage cable circuits.
The use of a Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) left the beautiful mountainous area of the north-western New Territories intact; yet existing underground utilities, such as main fuel supplies and high-voltage cables, demanded stringent work requirements and meticulous planning.
More than 95% of the permanent structures and temporary installations, including 17,550 tunnel concrete segments, were pre-cast off site to reduce construction and demolition waste.
The works area in Tuen Mun was located in proximity to a residential complex of more than 3,000 apartments. A noise cover during the shaft construction phase was used to bring down the noise levels by 24dB(A).
Other environmental measures included collecting and treating waste water to recycle throughout the project on tunnelling works, vehicle washing and dust suppression measures.
Dragages' commitment to partnership with the community and environmental management was recognised with various awards.
中電青山電纜隧道以青山及龍鼓灘發電廠 1 作起點,為屯門、東涌及香港國際機場 提供必要的額外電源,配合區內發展。 作為中電最長、最大的隧道,青山電纜 隧道可容納8組高壓電纜。
CLP – Castle Peak Cable Tunnel 047
為貫徹環保精神及完整保留對新界西北部的山巒景緻, 寶嘉起用了隧道鑽挖機鑽挖隧道;但面對原有的地下 公用設施,如主要供氣管道和高壓電纜,工程小組需要 面對嚴格施工要求及作出更仔細規劃。
本項目逾95%的永久結構組件及臨時裝置,包括17,550件 隧道混凝土組件均為場外預製組件,盡量減少施工期間 產生的廢料。
由於屯門工地毗鄰住宅區,居住了近3,000多住戶, 因此工程小組在建造豎井時採用了隔音蓋,有效地降低 24分貝噪音。
其他環保措施包括收集、處理廢水,並循環應用於隧道工 程、清洗車輛及除塵等不同方面。
1: Double-shield Tunnel Boring Machine
2: FIRST in Hong Kong:
A 16-person refuge chamber used in the TBM
香港首個設於隧道鑽挖機內,可容納16人的 臨時避險處