Page 44 - Dragages Hong Kong 60th Anniversary
P. 44
Structural frame of the East Podium under construction
Part of the landmark Venetian Macao-Resort- Hotel complex, the East Podium houses a massive casino, luxury shopping mall and The Venetian’s renowned indoor canal. The complete scope of works included the construction of a five-storey podium superstructure covering a total area of over 250,000 square metres.
Dragages proposed a construction process that saw substantial off-site pre-cast and heavy lifting works. The pre-cast construction method, complemented by in-situ concrete works, structural steelworks and roof cladding, was jointly developed with VSL. This allowed on-site work to progress swiftly while pre-cast works were carried out simultaneously off site.
With the adoption of specially ordered heavy-duty tower cranes, the lifting of 24-tonne pre-cast beams to a height of 60 metres was made possible for installation. Some of the long-span roof truss segments, up to 40 metres in length, were placed above the canals using these tower cranes.
The combination of prefabricated construction parts, paired with exceptional heavy lifting work, was such a success that the project was completed within 16.5 months.
作為澳門威尼斯人渡假村酒店重點建築 的一部分,東面基座集大型賭場、重點 商場、威尼斯人標誌性室內運河於一身。 工程包括為一幢佔地逾250,000平方米的 5層高大樓興建大型基座。
寶嘉建議大規模使用預製組件及先進的起重裝置,全面 加快施工進度。此外,寶嘉與VSL共同研究包括結構 鋼筋工程、屋頂面板工程,以及結合使用現場生產和 預製混凝土組件等多項預製工程技術,務求以最有效的 方法,場外場內同步施工。
透過使用特別設計的重型塔式起重機,工程小組不但 把一幅重24噸的組件吊起至60米高安裝,更直接從地面 升起長達40米的大型屋頂樑架,為室內運河建造屋頂。
採用先進的預製組件建造方法,配合大型起重工具, 寶嘉小組最終成功在16.5個月內完成整個項目。