Page 114 - Dragages Hong Kong 60th Anniversary
P. 114
City of Dreams, located in the heart of Cotai in Macao, is a unique integrated entertainment resort that combines electrifying entertainment, a diverse array of accommodation, regional and international dining, designer-brand shopping, and a spacious and contemporary gaming area. The resort is now expanding with Phase 3,
the fifth hotel tower, featuring a luxury hotel exceeding 5-star standards.
3a - d:
The hotel design is led by Zaha Hadid, founder of
Zaha Hadid Architects and recipient of the 2004 Pritzker Architecture Prize. This new development is set to become an iconic landmark for both the Cotai skyline and Macao.
Dragages Hong Kong is responsible for the construction of this one-of-a-kind hotel, which represents the realisation of a “dream” building. The volume is emphasised with the use of an exposed exoskeleton mesh structure. The expressed structure defines
a sensuous and intriguing form while also providing the construction advantage of contributing to the building’s lateral stability, reducing the internal structural requirements and optimising the interior layout.
Featuring two central voids, this 40-storey building appears to be two separate blocks linked at a single point. This revolutionary design is sure to become an artistic centrepiece in the city.
A comprehensive variety of facilities will be on offer at this new hotel, including a casino, restaurants, meeting and event facilities, sky pool, ultra lounge, as well as approximately 780 guestrooms, suites and villas.
A very complex construction sequence and temporary works
位於氹仔城中心地帶的新濠天地是 獨特的綜合娛樂休閒度假勝地,結合 刺激豐富的精彩娛樂節目、多幢頂級 酒店、雲集環球及地區美饌食府、 眾多名師設計品牌,以及現代化的 賭場。新濠天地正進行第三期擴建 工程,興建第五棟酒店大樓 —— 一棟超越5星級標準的豪華酒店。
酒店大樓由札哈.哈蒂領導。札哈.哈蒂女爵士 (Dame Zaha Hadid)是札哈.哈蒂建築事務所 (Zaha Hadid Architects)的創辦人,也是2004年 普立茲克建築獎得主。新酒店大樓設計新穎獨特, 落成後勢必成為澳門的地標建築。
香港寶嘉負責興建這幢獨一無二的酒店,成就 這棟「夢想」大樓。酒店大膽採用外露式鋼架, 突顯其宏偉體積,為大樓創造出一個趣味泱然的 雕塑形態。這個獨特的設計同時支撐大樓的橫向 穩定性,從而減少對內部空間的結構規限和優化 內部布局。
設計師把40層高的酒店大樓中心位置設計為兩 大空隙,令大樓看似以單一支點連接起兩棟分開的 樓宇。這個革命性的設計必定讓大樓成為城中的 藝術品。
新酒店大樓將提供一系列的設施,包括賭場、餐廳、 會議及活動設施、天台室外游泳池、豪華休息室和 約780間客房、套房和別墅。