Page 102 - Dragages Hong Kong 60th Anniversary
P. 102
The Trade and Industry Tower is Dragages’ second contract in the Kai Tak Development Area (KTDA), following the Kai Tak Cruise Terminal Building.
Set in a redeveloping and vibrant district, the tower houses a community hall, a Government bureau, and a number of Government departments.
In keeping with the “Green City” concept of the KTDA, Dragages put to use its renowned sustainable construction practices to incorporate a series of renewable energy technologies, including
a photovoltaic system, solar hot water system,
solar chimney and daylight suntubes.
With an overall greening of more than 30% of the total site, lush landscaping is in place for the ground floor, the covered elevated walkway and the main roof,
as well as vertical greening on the building’s façades.
Recycling and other environmental features include rainwater landscape irrigation, an automatic refuse collection system and the use of low-emitting materials. The building is also connected to the District Cooling System for air-conditioning.
With all these environmentally-friendly efforts, Dragages has set a new standard for energy-efficiency and greening in Hong Kong.
工業貿易大樓是繼啟德郵輪碼頭大樓後, 寶嘉獲授第二份有關啟德發展計劃的工程 合約。
為配合啟德發展區「綠色城市」的概念,寶嘉為大樓注入 一系列備受推崇的可持續發展建築方法及可再生能源 技術,包括:光伏系統、太陽能熱水系統、太陽能煙囪 及日光管道。
大樓整體綠化佔總用地面積超過30%,除行人隧道和 有蓋園景高架行人道外,綠化範圍還蔓延至主樓頂層的 天台花園,以至大樓外牆的垂直草坡。
在循環使用及其他環保裝置方面,項目以雨水灌溉園景, 並採用自動垃圾收集系統及低揮發性建築物料,大樓的 空調則由區域供冷系統提供。